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Use the power of organic silica to revitalise your body and live longer...

SILICA IS AN ELEMENT CONTAINED IN every single cell of the human body, where it is vital to maintain cell strength and flexibility.

The highest concentrations of silica are found in your skeleton, skin, tooth enamel, aorta, the lens of your eyes, your muscular tissue, pancreas, thyroid, liver, kidneys and your heart.

However, old age brings a slow decline in the silica concentration in your body. Even worse, your body is incapable of using nutrients contained in most of the food you eat to replace it.

Tabashir Bamboo is incredibly rich in organic silica and valued in traditional Indian medicine for its remineralising properties - these make Tabashir Bamboo a powerful promoter of joint flexibility and strength. It’s no coincidence that the most spectacular contortionists are usually Indian!

The scientists at MG Performance have packed all the vital silica goodness of this amazing plant into an easy to swallow capsule so you can now benefit from its stunning rejuvenating power. Tabashir Bamboo is proven to treat:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Senile osteoporosis
  • Bone fractures
  • The ageing of the skin
  • Deterioration of sexual performance
  • Brittle nails and hair
  • Wounds
  • Sores
  • Mouth ulcers

Tabashir Bamboo will help replace your lost silica to minimize the effects of premature ageing. Your bones will be stronger and your muscles and organs will benefit from improved function.