Are you tired of running to the loo all the time? It’s time to take back...
IF YOU FIND that you always need to go to the toilet and you sometimes struggle to make it there in time, then you could be suffering with a condition called ‘overactive bladder’.
An overactive bladder is caused by the bladder muscles contracting involuntarily, when your bladder fills with urine. The muscle contractions are often without any warning and someone with an overactive bladder cannot control these muscle contractions. The result is an involuntary loss of urine. Now 5 key herbs and 2 amino acids have been found to promote a healthy bladder.
Alpinia oxyphylla, Cornus officinalis and Schizandra chinensis are herbs used for centuries in China in formulas prescribed by herbalists for problems of the urinary tract, including frequent urination, urgent urination and incontinence.
Valerianna officinalis is a tall perennial herb, its key components rovaltrate and valeranon produce an active smooth- muscle relaxant effect on parts of the body which are vital for effective urinary function.
Passiflora incarnata is an herb rich in alkaloids and flavone glycosides. Recent studies have pointed to the flavonoids as having anti-spasmodic effect which helps with urine control.
Along with L-Arginine, the second important amino acid present is Methionine a principle supplier of sulphur. This helps create ammonia-free urine which reduces bladder irritation. Recent studies show that Methionine prevents bacteria from sticking to urinary tract cells and so encourages a healthy bladder.